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As a communication, cloud, or internet service provider, maintaining network and service availability is paramount to the success and reputation of your organization. One of the biggest threats you face is a DDoS attack. Year after year, the size, frequency, and complexity of DDoS attacks continue to increase – and so too does the risk of downtime to you and your customers.
To protect you and your customers’ services from sophisticated, modern-day DDoS attacks, you must rely upon actionable threat intelligence, automated DDoS detection, and intelligently orchestrated mitigation.
For over 25 years, service providers have relied upon NETSCOUT’s Arbor DDoS attacks protection products and expertise to eliminate network/service downtime costs and generate revenue by delivering managed DDoS attack protection services to their customers.
White Paper: Defend Your Network at Scale with Smart Protection.Download PDF >
A Proven Solution for Intelligently AutomatedDDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation
ActionableThreat Intelligence
Continuously leverage NETSCOUT ASERT/ATLAS Global Threat Intelligence to stop DDoS attacks.
AutomatedAttack Detection
Automatically detect sophisticated, multi-vectorDDoS attacks.
OrchestratedAttack Mitigation
Intelligently orchestratemultiple methods ofDDoS attack mitigation.
Cost Savings and Revenue Generation
A single solution forreducing downtime costsand generating revenue.
Arbor DDoS Attack Protection Solution for Service Providers
Arbor SightlineNetwork Visibility Software
As network operators, you demand a solution that evolves with your business needs. Arbor Sightline has been evolving with operators over the last decade and continues to be the de facto platform for understanding how traffic is flowing through your network.
Working in conjunction with our Arbor Sightline solution, which provides visibility and threat detection, Arbor Threat Mitigation System (TMS) surgically removes DDoS attack traffic from your network without disrupting key network services.
The network is the business. Operators must optimize resources, reduce service availability threats and thus save money.
Arbor Sightline is a network visibility software platform that provides robust capabilities from network-wide capacity planning, to identifying and managing the mitigation and detection of DDoS and other threats to the network.
This pervasive network data and flow data monitoring can also be leveraged to make routing and peering design decisions, lower transit costs, eliminate network threats and provide your business with new revenue-generating services.
See Your Network. Solve Your Problems. Grow Your Business.
As network operators, you demand a solution that evolves with your business needs.
Arbor Sightline has been evolving with operators over the last decade and continues to be the de facto platform for understanding how traffic is flowing through your network.
Solution Brief: Arbor Sightline.Download PDF >
Arbor Threat Mitigation System for DDoS Attacks
Internet Service Providers, Cloud Providers and Enterprises face a common problem. DDoS attacks are a major risk to service availability. The power, sophistication and frequency of DDoS attacks continue to increase. Data center operators and network providers need a defense that is effective, cost-efficient and easily managed. Arbor Threat Mitigation System (TMS) is the acknowledged leader in DDoS protection. More Service Providers, Cloud Providers and large Enterprises use Arbor TMS as a DDoS mitigator than any other solution.
Working in conjunction with our Arbor Sightline solution, which provides visibility and threat detection, Arbor Threat Mitigation System (TMS) surgically removes DDoS attack traffic from your network without disrupting key network services.
Data Sheet: Arbor Threat Mitigation System.Download PDF >
Related Solutions
Omnis Cyber Intelligence
Get advanced network threat detection and response (NDR) solution that helps reduce the impact of cyber threats.
Omnis Arbor Edge Defense
Set up intelligently automated, hybrid DDoS protection, and edge defense for your Enterprise.
Analyse, monitor and assure availability and performance of network and applications across whole infrastructure in real-time.
Improve the performance of your business services and the end-user experience via the synthetic test monitoring platform.